Professor Greg Shaw
Consultant Urologist, London
Call: 07841034453
Email: greglshaw@outlook.com
The NeuroSAFE technique to promote safe nerve sparing at radical prostatectomy
The NeuroSAFE technique has been developed by the Martini Klinik in Germany to incorporate an additional safety step to radical prostatectomy. The radical prostatectomy is performed in the normal way with nerve sparing. As soon as the prostate is removed, the area adjacent to where the nerves have been spared is examined by a pathologist. If any cancer cells are seen at the edge of the prostate (a positive surgical margin) the nerve bundle is then excised on that side. This technique is designed to promote nerve sparing without jeopardising cancer control.

Click here for further information on the NeuroSAFE technique.
A video explaining the procedure is available here.
Click here to visit the NeuroSAFE PROOF website for study resources.
I lead a research project for the NHS called NeuroSAFE PROOF. This study is funded by the NHS, UCLH charitable trustees, The Rosetrees Trust, The John Black Foundation and most recently the JP Moulton Foundation to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the NeuroSAFE procedure for NHS patients. I routinely perform NeuroSAFE at radical prostatectomy. More details are available by clicking here.
The NeuroSAFE PROOF initiative was shortlisted for a national HSJ award in 2019.